

Located near Taco bell on Main Street during the nicer months or across from Porter Park

Having never been a huge sno-cone fan I can’t be certain of all the locations in Rexburg, or even if they happen to be different businesses, but these things are all over in the “summer” months and I think they’re all the same. Because of their prevalence, sno-cones are a Rexburg summer tradition. Imagine yourself sitting in Porter Park (or Smith if you must), with the sun shining, the grass green instead of white, and eating a sno-cone. Sound like a pretty sweet gig. I’d be less enthusiastic in my recommendation if it was only a sno-cone you were getting, but if you do this right, you get a sno-cone on top of ice cream. That’s what makes it such a sweet gig. At least at Sno-oasis you pay by the size and not the flavors, so you can get creative, but remember that too many flavors makes a brown and gross sno-cone. I would recommend black cherry. I don’t trust foods that are an artificial blue, but you can go with blue flavor, red flavor, green flavor (like slurpees, most sno-cone flavors are classified by color. Blue et al. are flavors) and so forth. The ice is finely shaven so it isn’t chunky. I don’t know what it is about the ice cream but it kind of augments the sno-cone itself. You can even get cream on top. You may as well – cream is good. In conclusion, if you’re here during the summer months, get yourself a sno-cone and go sit at the park or in a parking lot. It’s tradition.

Hawaiian Shaved Ice
located inside the Teriyaki Express

It's too early to tell it Hawaiian Shaved Ice will be a year long sno-cone establishment or not. While it is a seasonal food, they have a comfortable set up indoors. They are well priced, and provide a good compliment to the teriyaki you showed up for in the first place. They have a variety of flavors and flavor combinations. You can choose either a cutely named preset mix of flavors, or you can make up your own - the possibilities are copious. My favorite would be the Sour Patch Kid, although the Blue Raspberry is also really good. Most of the flavors are excellent, but I wouldn't recommend the Lemon-Lime. It reminded all of us of pine sol. The rest were all great though, so it didn't dampen our spirits.

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